Monday, January 31, 2011

My Learner Profile

I am a Gestalt learner with an A profile.

I learn best when class is fun, interesting, and enjoyable. Also, I am a pretty quick learner, so just a few minutes of my full attention is all that is required for me to fully understand a topic. Also, I generally try harder when I am motivated. Motivation is a great way for me to help myself raise my grade. I need to learn more in school, because the pace that we learn at is usually pretty slow (with the exception of Mr. Burk's IM2 Math Class). I usually have a pretty good memory, which is one of my strengths, so if you can stick a topic into my brain, it will most likely stay there forever.

A strategy that would be beneficial to me in learning would be organization. This is one work habit that I could improve on. In the past, I have lost a couple of assignments that should have been in my folder. This can be due to bringing the wrong folder to class, or leaving materials at school. What I need to do, is create an organization system, that will work for me and ensure that I always have what I need, when I need.

Something I would like my teachers to know about me is that I am a quick learner, and that I am always ready for a challenge. Very often, teachers repeat simple concepts over and over again, to instill their thoughts into my brain. What many teachers do not know about me as an individual, is that I do not need this elaboration. If somebody makes a mistake when saying something, I will automatically comprehend the message that is being conveyed. I do not feel the need to correct this mistake made, because nobody would benefit from this action.